Saturday, June 7, 2008

Cell Phones

Cell phones here have many benefits, if you can get past the head ache of trying to get one set up. A little tip once you actually get one. If you get an AU phone and are having a hard time memorizing the 500 digit number, just press the big middle button followed by zero. Your cell number will pop up. Other handy need to knows. If you press just left of the big button it will show you incoming calls, if you press to the right it will show you outgoing calls. I am not sure if these are features on other than AU phones.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Free Translator

On base, in the PSD office (2nd floor of the building right across from McDonald's and the Green Bay Pool) there are all sorts of handy resources. One of the best resources is the free translator that is available. This is SOOOO useful. Things from trying to communicate with off base housing offices, or reading Japanese directions to huge things like making calls to your child's Japanese schools or figuring out how to pay your tickets. ITT also will provide a Japanese translator when making reservations for places such as hotels and camp grounds.

Here Goes

It can be unnerving arriving in a foreign country where there are more vending machines than children, squid jerky is a delicacy, and you suddenly are the loudest person on a train so crowded the doors barely can close. Who knew that this oddity called Japan, and Yokosuka in particular, would turn into a beloved place called home.
The hope of this blog is to catalog some of the goings ons in and about Yokosuka through a military dependent's eyes. Hopefully this will be insightful and useful to others, but if not- that is alright also.